Home » California Hooker Contest

2017 California Hooker Contest

This contest is now closed.

Winners were announced at the California Dreamin’ conference in March 2017.

For a list of winners, please click here.

Official Rules

The four chapters, East Valley Authors, Los Angeles Romance Authors, Orange County Chapter – RWA, and RWA – San Diego Chapter, and the Conference Committee for the California Dreamin’ Conference reserve the right to limit entries to the first 150 paid entries received.

Failure to comply with any of the entry requirements herein may result in disqualification.

Contest Period

  1. The website will be open for entries by November 1, 2016.
  2. Entries are due by midnight Pacific Standard Time on January 31, 2017. No refunds will be made for entries that do not arrive by January 31, 2017.

Qualification for Entry

  1. The contest is open to all writers, published, self-published, or unpublished.
  2. Entries are limited to the first three pages of the manuscript.
  3. Entries must include the story’s hook because this contest is specifically about hooking the reader into the story.
  4. Submitted entries cannot be published in any format, or under contract to be published.

Manuscript Format Requirements 

  1. Manuscript must be double-spaced, in Courier New or Times New Roman 12-point font, with 1-inch margins all around.
  2. Manuscript MUST be in rich text (.rtf) format.
  3. DO include title, genre and page numbers from the manuscript in the header (left corner) on each page.
  4. DO NOT include your name anywhere on the entry itself, including the name of the attachment. Your name may appear only on the contest entry form you fill out on the website. If your name appears on any of the manuscript pages, the entry will automatically be disqualified.

Entry Procedure

  1. Enter via online entry form. Link will become active no later than November 1, 2016.
  2. Entry form (with attached manuscript) and payment must be complete for each entry to be officially entered into the contest.
  3. All submissions must be electronic, with a maximum of 3 pages. Paper submissions will not be accepted.
  4. The Contestant Waiver box in the online form constitutes a signature and must be checked for your entry to be accepted electronically. THIS IS MANDATORY!

Contest Fee

  1. Fee is $10 per entry. (Writers may submit multiple entries separately at $10 each.)
  2. Fees are paid via PayPal, and are non-refundable. Checks are not accepted.
  3. Payment is part of the sign up process and due at time of entry. If payment is not received, the entry will be disqualified.

Judging and Winners

  1. First round judges include experienced, trained PRO and PAN members. The top-ranked entries will move forward to the final round.
  2. Final round judges will be acquiring editors in the romance publishing community.
  3. Winners will be announced at the California Dreamin’ conference, on the website and via social media in March 2017.

If there are any questions, please contact the Contest Coordinator at contest (at) caldreaminwriters.com.







